Unit 1
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Different types of newspapers
National Newspapers
Contain some national and
international news, but focus on
news relating to a specific area of the
The Sussex Times
South West Mercury

Regional Newspapers
Contain some national and
international news, but focus on
fairly local news topics in detail.
Usually based around towns, cities or
groups of villages.
Bath Chronicle
Bristol Evening Post

Local Newspapers
A newspaper which covers news
across the whole country, together
with international news.
The Daily Express
The Guardian
The Sun

Tabloid Newspapers
The largest type of newspaper!
Cover all national and international
news, often in a serious or formal
The Times
The Telegraph
The Guardian
The Independent

Broadsheet Newspapers
Cover all national and international
news, often in a serious or formal
The Telegraph
The Guardian

Regulation of press
The PCC is an independent self-regulatory body which deals with complaints about the editorial content
of newspapers and magazines (and their websites). We keep industry standards high by training journalists
and editors, and work pro-actively behind the scenes to prevent harassment and media intrusion. We can
provide pre-publication advice to journalists and the public and have published advice on dealing with
media attention after a death.
Contempt of court is a court order which, in the context of a court trial or hearing, declares a person or organization to have disobeyed or been disrespectful of the court's authority. Often referred to simply as "contempt," such as a person "held in contempt," it is the judge's strongest power to impose sanctions for acts which disrupt the court's normal process. This could effect newspapers in the sense that if the y cover a story, they need to make sure that they don't breach the law when doing so.
Phone hacking is also a large ethical issue in which some newspapers have been known for getting involved in. Some newspapers have used phone hacking to get additional information from phones from people of interest, such as celebrities. The main ethical issue with phone hacking is simply that it invades somebody's personal device and finds out information that is either personal or that is supposed to remain between two people, this invasion of privacy came as a shock to most when the phone hacking scandal was brought to light.
Defamation is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give a bias representation of something, this is a large part of newspapers as they are sometimes seen as taking sides in a story.
of newspapers and magazines (and their websites). We keep industry standards high by training journalists
and editors, and work pro-actively behind the scenes to prevent harassment and media intrusion. We can
provide pre-publication advice to journalists and the public and have published advice on dealing with
media attention after a death.
Contempt of court is a court order which, in the context of a court trial or hearing, declares a person or organization to have disobeyed or been disrespectful of the court's authority. Often referred to simply as "contempt," such as a person "held in contempt," it is the judge's strongest power to impose sanctions for acts which disrupt the court's normal process. This could effect newspapers in the sense that if the y cover a story, they need to make sure that they don't breach the law when doing so.
Phone hacking is also a large ethical issue in which some newspapers have been known for getting involved in. Some newspapers have used phone hacking to get additional information from phones from people of interest, such as celebrities. The main ethical issue with phone hacking is simply that it invades somebody's personal device and finds out information that is either personal or that is supposed to remain between two people, this invasion of privacy came as a shock to most when the phone hacking scandal was brought to light.
Defamation is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give a bias representation of something, this is a large part of newspapers as they are sometimes seen as taking sides in a story.
regulation of film
The BBFC ( British Board of Film Classification ) are a independent, self-financing and not-for-profit media content regulator. They operate transparent, consistent and trusted co-regulatory and self-regulatory classification and labelling systems in the UK. They try to
They do this by almost categorizing all of the films submitted to them into these categories
- protect the public, and especially children, from content which might raise harm risks
- empower the public, especially parents, to make informed viewing choices
- recognise and respect adult freedom of choice within the law
- respond to and reflect changing social attitudes towards media content through proactive public consultation and research
- provide a cost-effective, efficient classification service within our statutory remit
- work in partnership with the industry to develop innovative service models to provide content advice which support emerging media delivery systems
- provide an effective service to enforcement agencies
They do this by almost categorizing all of the films submitted to them into these categories
- U - Suitable for all
- PG - Parental guidance
- 12A - suitable for ages 12 and over
- 12 - suitable for ages 12 and over
- 15 - suitable for ages 15 and over
- 18 - suitable for adults only
- R18 - To be shown only specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults of not less than 18 years.
textual analysis on shropshire star
The images used in the Shropshire star are a lot smaller, when compared to the top newspapers but it is doing very well for its budget. Pictures cost a lot more to print than text simply because it uses alot more ink to prink than just ordinary text. This is why the larger newspapers with a larger budged can afford to print more pictures and larger pictures. Pictures are a large part of a newspaper because it adds a lot of character to them, when you think of a story in the newspaper it is often the picture that is used to represent the story that you remember the most. Pictures are also very useful because they make the newspaper significantly less boring, although there is still allot of text, pictures space it all out and it is better than having pure text across every page.
The Shropshire star newspaper was also the first to use colour printing in its stories 4 months after its release. This added even more depth to the pictures and made the paper even less boring and the now coloured pictures stuck even firmly into your head. This as you can imagine was increadibly expensive but also pushed the newspaper to new hights.
The shropshire star as well as being very individual is very constitutional in the way that it is presented. It is constitutional because the majority of the text is black, The headers and sub-headers are larger, important and emphasis is shown by underlining, Columns are used, lines are used to separate text, colour i used to draw attention and pictures are used to draw attention. In most newspapers, the majority of the text is black, this is seen as the standard colour and black ink is cheaper than colour. Headers and sub-headers have always been larger than the normal text simply because it is of allot more importance than the text, the headers need to stand out to seperate the story from previous ones and to give you an idea what the story is about, sub=headers also need to be larger because they underline to stories meaning. Underlining is very common in newspapers because it is another way in which they can make part of a text more important and stand out more than the others. Columns are used to try and not make the text blend together and to try and space it out. They are a very important part of any newspaper because they are used to separate stories and to make the newspaper look more spaced out, more neat and more professional. Lines/rules are used to separate text when it is needed to try and make the newspaper spread look more professional and to try and help the reader separate the stories. Colour and pictures are also used to almost add importance to some stories so you know that they are worth reading , if you could see two stories, one just black text and the other with colour, and pictures, you would instantly want to read the coloured picture first because you would think that if they put the effort to add a picture and to add colour, then it must be worth reading allot more than the story that they did not.
The Shropshire star newspaper was also the first to use colour printing in its stories 4 months after its release. This added even more depth to the pictures and made the paper even less boring and the now coloured pictures stuck even firmly into your head. This as you can imagine was increadibly expensive but also pushed the newspaper to new hights.
The shropshire star as well as being very individual is very constitutional in the way that it is presented. It is constitutional because the majority of the text is black, The headers and sub-headers are larger, important and emphasis is shown by underlining, Columns are used, lines are used to separate text, colour i used to draw attention and pictures are used to draw attention. In most newspapers, the majority of the text is black, this is seen as the standard colour and black ink is cheaper than colour. Headers and sub-headers have always been larger than the normal text simply because it is of allot more importance than the text, the headers need to stand out to seperate the story from previous ones and to give you an idea what the story is about, sub=headers also need to be larger because they underline to stories meaning. Underlining is very common in newspapers because it is another way in which they can make part of a text more important and stand out more than the others. Columns are used to try and not make the text blend together and to try and space it out. They are a very important part of any newspaper because they are used to separate stories and to make the newspaper look more spaced out, more neat and more professional. Lines/rules are used to separate text when it is needed to try and make the newspaper spread look more professional and to try and help the reader separate the stories. Colour and pictures are also used to almost add importance to some stories so you know that they are worth reading , if you could see two stories, one just black text and the other with colour, and pictures, you would instantly want to read the coloured picture first because you would think that if they put the effort to add a picture and to add colour, then it must be worth reading allot more than the story that they did not.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Shropshire star essay
The shropshire star is owned by the Midland news association, which is a very well known company as they own many other newspapers and radio stations. The Midland news association has newspapers such as the shrewsbury chronicle and the Market Drayton advertiser.
The newspaper was also the first post war evening newspaper, this effected almost everything about the newspaper, its popularity, its stories, it style, it effected everything. Its first edition was released on the 5th October 1964. This also opened up for other opportunities for the newspaper, this included the chance to become a leading newspaper and very influential one. The Shropshire star then started to use a very more effective way of printing, this used a roller that had the images and text printed onto it and then the paper was simply passed over it, this ended up being a much more effective and cheap way of printing the newspaper than the standard hot metal typesetting, which had to have each letter placed into a mould and then printed out.
Another convention of the shropshire star is that it is a very popular website, it was the very first newspapers to have its own website and this made it very influential as the other newspapers had to try and keep up with the trend setting newspaper it has more than 180,000 people visiting it every month. The website also includes allot of additional information like stats on the amount of people that visit the website and the stats on its success , these are good additions to the website because it makes the newspaper look good, not only because of the actual stats but because of the effort they went through to find them out
The circulation of the shropshire star was more than 55,000 for january 2012. There is also allot of statistics on the audience that can be accessed through the website, these starts include the amount of adults, men, women and different age groups buy the paper and stats on what each person does, this includes how they get their newspaper. For example, The total readership was 139927 adults, 82% of these readers have their papers home delivered. With 71370 being Men and 68558 being Women. This information is not needed but it is nice to be able to see.The shropshire star is in a tabloid format, which is typically what a newspaper looks like. The paper is not considered a top end newspaper and for this you get a very good quality news paper. The newspaper nowadays is colour but it has not always been so, the first colour edition of the star was released in march 1967, this was a huge convention because it had never been done before, the picture could not have been more appropriate because it was one of the queen s she came to visit shropshire. The very large picture of the queen was very memorable.
Most of local newspapers front page headlines are big new that wont only effect the county, they are usually stories that effect the whole country, this adds importance to them and it makes the newspaper seem more legit.
Friday, 11 May 2012
History of Slasher
A ' slasher ' is a sub-genre that originated from horror. They are similar to Horrors but they typically involve more graphical violence and gore. For instance not many slashers will have a clean kill involving a gun, they will have more gory kills including weapons like knifes, axes, chainsaws and many others that do not offer a quick easy death. Slasher movies have been around since the 1930's and you could say that ' Thirteen Women ' ( 1932 ) was the first ever slasher movie.
Halloween was a very successful slasher movie that was made in 1978 and directed by ' John Carpenter '. The film was seen as an inspiration and was said to have revived the genre of horror. This was surprising as the film had a very small budget and it was only supposed to be shown for a few weeks. Halloween was the most successful independent horror film of all time and as a result of this many sequels have been made of it. Considering the fact that there was no advertising campaign, Halloween did very well and has seriously written its name down in history. One thing that made Halloween so successful is the sense of reality in it, because the ' monster ' never showed his face, this really scared the audience as they dont know if there could be someone that they know like that. The concept of the movie was inspired by Hitchcock's ' Psycho' were the monster in the movie looked normal but was deeply disturbed inside.
Another of the most famous slashers of all time is ' Friday the 13th ' which was directed by Sean Cunningham in 1980, Friday the 13th is one of many classic slasher movies that have a plot that involves some sort of 'idiotic teenager '. The movie was a great success and this came as a surprise to many. There were also 11 sequels made and it became one of the biggest franchises of all time. The special effects used in this film were one of a kind and this was due to Tom Savini's work, he was the special effects and makeup artist for this movie and it is him we can thank for the memorable 'over the top' violence and images. Savini was always trying to improve his skills and for this he is known for pushing the boundaries of slashers. 'Friday the 13th' was also known for having a 'suckerpunch' ending, This is because at the end of the movie, jason jumps out of the water and kills a woman.
The next movie that i am going to talk about is 'Scream'. Scream was made in 1996 and it was an american slasher that was directed by Wes Craven. Scream was a very successful slasher and it followed the typical conventions of a modern day slasher. In scream, there are almost rules that have been passed down from slasher to slasher. Rule number one, dont say your going to be back and wonder of on your own, your going to die. Dont have sex because you will also die and it is always the innocent virgin that lives. These 'rules' have been passed down from slasher to slasher and they are still very noticeable in slashers made today. The bad guy in this movie was 'ghostface' his mask is now a very popular sight around Halloween time as he has made such an impact in the industry that he has become one of the scariest bad guys of all time. One of the most scariest things about this movie is that the killer does not just kill randomly, he choses somebody and toys with them before they die. Before the killer kills his victim, he calls them on their phone, when they pick up he asks them what their favorite horror movie is, when they answer he asks them question about it and if they answer incorrectly, they lose their life. This was one of the firs movies with this type of psychological effect and as you can imagine, this scared teenagers around the world because of the realism that this could happen to them. Three sequels have been made of scream and parodies have been made too. both slashers and parodies of slashers have become allot more popular since.
The texas chainsaw massacre was based on a real life killer, Ed Gein. Leatherface, the bad guy in the movie, scared everybody all around the world simply because of how disturbed he was. He was known for digging up corpses from graveyards and using their body parts to make furniture and to make items of clothing. The memorable mask made of another humans face was scary enough for most teenagers. This movie also did so well because it had already been advertised due to everybody already knowing about Ed Gein and what he had done.
A nightmare on elm street was made in 1984 and was directed by Wes Craven. This movie was considered very scary because the bad guy would not only kill his victims, but he would stalk them before to see if he wanted to kill them, this was considered very scary because it brought to light the possibility of stalking and showed how easy it would be. This movie was based on one of Wes's own memories, the idea came about when Wes was a child and he said that a man was standing outside his window staring at him for ages
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